

Bubbles, 2019, Installation view, two bronze castings each 45 × 45 × 50cm, two-channel audio, 5:08min, loop



Two bronze castings each 45 × 45 × 50cm, two-channel audio, 5:08min, loop

Bubbles consists of two bronze castings and a sound piece. Asked for a commission by my father to cast a death mask, ‘while still looking good’, I commissioned a death mask vice versa. The forming, molding, casting, shaping, the sculptural processes, exceeded in over the tipping point of replicas of the two people to the sphere of believing in the work, wrapping the casted wax death masks in bubble wrap and casting just the last layer of this process. The bubble wrapped castings are leaving mere traces of two heads, making each person indistinguishable one another. A sound composition recorded by Hans and Johannes in a shower booth serves as connection and relation between their coproduction.

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