Greetings from a kitchen, 2024
Installation, discarded kitchen elements are used for works made of water, paper-plastic, jute, color pigments and metal
The ongoing work The Feed is integrated into an exhibition with this installation. Discarded kitchen furniture, machines and tools are used for creating objects and images that expand on the idea of digestion. The production of paper-plastic mache was continued during the opening times. With the paper-plastic mache and several other materials, the below objects and images are realized.
Tongue lecture, 2024
Performance, lecture and live drawing, here on paper-plastic object
10 minute speed lecture with live drawing along 1.5 million years of tongue evolution. From the first human-made fire to abstract language, the lecture takes one along the oral cavity, Neolithic revolution, turkey, potato law, industrialization, taste zones, etc. A live drawing places the narration onto the back of the hanging paper-plastic object. SCRIPT:chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
We come from the Michelin Stars and we are here to discuss the terms & conditions of your surrender, 2024
Paper-plastic mache on paper-plastic shreds, 60 x 60 x 10 cm
Paper and plastic shreds in different states bind and dry together. The title of the circular shape brings the wall object together with high culinary culture.
Open cupboard, 2024
Jute, paper-plastic, metal, 120 x 90 x 10 cm
A transparent jute canvas serves as an expansion to work with the paper-plastic mache. A sketchy cupboard drawing is made with the still wet paper-plastic mache. An attached piece of photo shows a maggot in an opened plum held by two fingers.
Get the fruit out of here, 2024
Left 3 images: paper-plastic, watercolor, metal, 50 x 100 x 40 cm. Right 3 images: kitchen machine debris, paper-plastic, metal, 120 x 50 x 20 cm
These two wall objects are anonymous portraits created after talks with friends. In one, the text written on a paper-plastic sheet tells of experiences between shoplifting and art making. In the other, discarded kitchen machine elements are used to express awkwardness and the moment of embarrassment while stealing food.
Greetings from a kitchen