Tongue lectures & workshops

Tongue lectures & workshops

Workshop & Tongue lecture, PZI, 2023

Performance, lecture and live drawing, here on flipchart paper

10 minute speed lecture with live drawing along 1.5 million years of tongue evolution. From the first human-made fire to abstract language, the lecture takes one along the oral cavity, Neolithic revolution, turkey, potato law, industrialization, taste zones, etc. A live drawing places the narration onto the paper of a flipchart board. SCRIPT:chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

Taste zones is one of several activities in the workshops that build on the Tongue lecture performance. The group activity deals with the division of the tongue into rigid taste sector and, based on this, questions our taste and belief systems in order to paint new taste zones in the workshop.

Workshop & Tongue lecture, Art Lab France, 2024

Tongue lecture, 2024

Tongue lectures & workshops



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